My mum nurtured my simple approach to beauty leading by example. Growing up in the country we had limited resources so Mum always used what she had at hand. I’ve continued to keep it simple and clean by seeking inspiration from my kitchen and garden. So, apart from passing on her great skin genes, Mum’s advice of keeping it simple has helped me create this incredible community around harnessing the beauty of food and to nurture my own children’s natural beauty† - Cindy Luken"Less is always more, unless it's a sunscreen!† - Renata, @green_life_in_dublin "Mum always told me to stay out of the sun and drink water to have glowing skin. It's something I will pass on to my future kids even though I don't always listen but it's great advice and makes a difference to the ageing process.† - Zeri,
"My mama always told me "just try and look like YOU." and she taught me the importance of a good quality moisturiser! My grandmother always taught her granddaughters "never leave the house without eyeshadow and a pair of earrings on" I guess their overall message was to get up, be yourself and show up for everyday. - Brig,"My mother would always encourage me to play with the food in our kitchen for my basic skin care needs. I remember walking into the bathroom and seeing her apply all sorts of face masks - egg, sesame oil and who knows what else. She would spend hours reading about the benefits that these simple ingredients would have on her skin. One day, I finally decided to join her and we made an egg yolk mask. I remember thinking that my face would smell or it would be so weird but after washing it off, I was shocked to find that my skin was softer and more plump...and all we used was one little egg yolk! I'll admit, I didn't use an egg yolk mask again but it did show me that beauty products don't need to be complicated or expensive or full of chemicals to work wonders!† - Andra, "Mum used to say that the best natural beauty treatments you can get is sufficient sleep and a good moisturiser!† - Anna, @annalovesorganicbeauty
"My mum showered me with unconditional love and compliments from as early as I can remember. She is totally biased in thinking (and promoting) that I am the most beautiful girl in the world! To this day, I walk with my head held high and feel beautiful with a deeper knowledge that I am loved. My mum showed me that as long as you FEEL beautiful, you will be beautiful! The most beautiful thing about her would have to be her infectiously vibrant, upbeat and positive attitude and outlook on life. It’s inspiring how bright her light shines.† Emmily Banks, Depths of Beauty
"Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise. My grandma has beautiful soft skin and this is the one tip she always drilled into me. Oh and of course eat a healthy whole foods diet to nourish the insides and outsides, because this is the only body you will get!† - Shelley,
"My great-grandmother taught me about the benefits of bathing in milk! Whenever I get a chance I’ll run a bath and add a cup of milk. It’s so moisturising for the skin, contains no nasties, and I come out of the bath feeling super soft!† - Teagan, "Less is more and you need to let your skin breathe - not cover it in toxic chemicals!† - Kelsey, "I would have to say that the one piece of skin care advice that my mother gave me that's stuck with me would be that I should never go to bed angry, or with makeup on. Two things that are definitely good to keep in mind!† - Leah, @temporaryprincess "If you're looking to achieve moisturising nails, look to soak them into a bowl of olive oil for about a few minutes. You'll see how incredibly nourishing it will leave your nails feeling!† - Livia,
"My mom was never big into beauty products but she always modelled how to be kind with words and actions - and that is true beauty. But guess what, now she is 63 and I send her green beauty for Mother's Day and her birthday and she can't get enough! #actionsspeaklouderthanwords† - Lisa, @thisorganicgirl"Drink lots of water! Outer beauty starts on the inside with proper nutrition and hydration. Drinking water will keep your skin looking healthy and young. Now that I'm sneaking closer to 3-0, I know this to be true!† - Jordan, @sixelementblog