Luscious autumn comfort food for the cooler weather, this quince recipe is more than a skin saviour.Baking or pot roasting quinces brings out the most intense flavour. Although this quince recipe takes a few hours, it requires little attention besides basting and turning the fruit once or twice. You can be off doing something else and return to a truly luscious treat. Because the quince season is short it is waited for with anticipation. Until you have experimented with quinces yourself you have no idea what you are missing out on.
Full of vitamin C, quinces help to keep your skin firm and smooth. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals which can damage your collagen and elastin (who wants wrinkles and saggy baggy skin?), it also is essential for the production of collagen. Quinces are also a good source of iron transporting oxygen through the body via red blood cells to produce a radiant complexion and encourage the growth of healthy, lush hair. The copper in quinces works to ward off any grey strands (!) while encouraging the reduction of pigmentation or sun spots on the skin, providing a more youthful complexion. Quinces can also work to reduce inflammation within your body and skin - especially puffiness or redness.CITRUS BAKED QUINCE RECIPE
2 hours wo to go. Serves 4.YOU'LL NEED
4 quinces, peeled and cut into quarters 1 lemon (juice and peel) 1 orange (juice and peel) 2 cinnamon quills 2 fresh rosemary sprigs 1/2 cup organic maple syrupHOW TO
1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees. Place peeled and quartered quinces into an oven proof baking tray. 2. Pour over lemon and orange juice and add peel, cut into thick strips. Add cinnamon quills and pour over maple syrup. Cover with a lid or foil and bake for 1 hour. 3. Remove quinces from the oven and stir to cover with juices. Turn the pieces, re-cover and return to oven. Turn the oven down to 150 degrees and roast for a further 45 minutes to an hour. The quinces are ready when they have turned a gorgeous deep pink to amber colour and are tender. 4. Serve warm or leave to cool. When serving drizzle with some sauce from the bottom of the tin.TIPS AND TRICKS
- In this quince recipe you can core the quinces before or after roasting... keep in mind though, when cutting beforehand the quinces are rock hard and it can be difficult to remove the core and capture all the grainy bits.
- A couple dollops of butter in the dish of your citrus baked quince recipe makes then even more luscious.
- Try and retain the elegant natural shape of the fruit rather than topping and tailing if you are serving to guests.
- This baked quince recipe is perfect with with a dollop of natural yoghurt and toasted walnuts.
- Also delicious for a weekend brunch.
- Don't forget to look at our beautifood bite on quinces that tells you why this citrus baked quince recipe is body-delicious.