Take a chance

monday morning mantra (mmm) | take a chance

Do you love to take a chance or play safe?
Most of the time it is a fabulous idea to move out of your comfort zone because the results are rewarding - beyond measure: physically & mentally. There is something dare devilish about taking a risk, to do something you would not normally do. Other times, it will upset the apple cart and take you away from you comfort zone of familiarity. I lived by the philosophy of taking chances til we had kids in 2006, then I went into a zone of nurture and comfort. I love it but I miss the adrenalin of doing things differently, taking a chance and enjoying the massive 'high' that comes with owning your own business, setting goals and meeting them, meeting new people and being innovative. I am in the midst of taking my self out of my comfort zone so next year when my 2 little ones are both at school I am ready to take more chances. It has taken a massive amount of determination...why? Fear of failure & loss - of face and fortune of family. Oh where & why did those big F words creep in? I don't like them. So, I am taking a chance in Spring, lots in fact...the seeds have been planted...what have I got to loose? What chance will you take? Have a delicious week. Cindy Image source: Pinterest via Lotta Agaton
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