Add these little wonders to your diet and notice improvements to the texture, tone and health of your skin over time.Chia seeds – to hydrate and protect Because they’re chockablock with essential fatty acid Omega-3s, chia seeds are powerhouses at keeping skin hydrated and glowy as they work to repair the protective barrier that keeps moisture locked in. Sprinkle some into your morning smoothie for an energy boost. Spinach – to nourish dry skin and prevent breakouts Dark leafy greens like spinach supply the skin with bioflavonoids, Vitamin E and folate, which helps reduce the risk of disease and nourishes dry skin. Other antioxidant-rich greens like kale, watercress and swiss chard are high in Vitamin A, which has been shown to help lower the production of oil that causes breakouts. Try to integrate leafy greens at every meal on a daily basis.