dirty thirty chemicals

The Dirty Thirty Toxic Ingredients

This list has been compiled by Teens Turning Green, (down load and print the pdf) it is an excellent reference source. Chemicals to avoid found in the product we use daily. 1. C H E M I CA L : A L U M I N U M Z I R C O N I U M a n d OT H E R A LU M I N U M C O M P O U N D S Function: Used to control sweat and odour in the underarms by slowing down the production of sweat. Present in: Antiperspirants. Banned by EU. Health concerns: Linked to the development of Alzheimer’s Disease; may be linked to breast cancer; probable neurotoxin; respiratory, and developmental toxin. 2. C H E M I CA L : B E N Z Y L AC E TAT E Function: Solvent; hidden within †œfragrance.† Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Health concerns: Linked to pancreatic cancer; easily absorbs into skin causing quick systemic effects; animal studies show hyperaemia of the lungs; possible gastrointestinal, liver, and respiratory toxicant; possible neurotoxin. 2. C H E M I CA L : B E N Z A LKO N I U M C H LO R I D E a n d B E N Z E T H O N I U M C H LO R I D E Function: Antimicrobial agent, deodorant, preservative, biocide. Present in: Moisturizer, sunscreen, facial cleanser, acne treatment, pain relief. Restricted in Japan and Canada. Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; may trigger asthma; possible organ system toxicant; animal studies show endocrine disruption and brain, nervous system, respiratory and blood effects; possible carcinogen. 3. C H E M I CA L : B R O N O P O L Function: Preservative. Present in: Moisturizer, body wash, facial cleanser, makeup remover, anti-aging products. Restricted in Canada. Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; lung and skin toxicant; animal studies show endocrine disruption and gastrointestinal, brain and nervous system effects; irritant. 4. C H E M I CA L : B U T Y L AC E TAT E Function: Solvent in polishes and treatments, prevents chipping. Present in: Nail polish and nail treatments. Health concerns: Repeated exposure causes skin dryness and cracking; vapours may induce drowsiness or dizziness; flammable. 5. C H E M I CA L : B U T Y L AT E D H Y D R OXY TO LU E N E (B HT)/ B UT YLATE D HYDROXYAN I SOLE (B HA) Function: Anti-Oxidant; slows down the rate at which product ingredients change in colour. Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Banned by EU. Health Concerns: Immune system toxicant; endocrine disruptor; probable human carcinogen; animal studies show brain, liver, neurotoxin, reproductive and respiratory toxicant. 6. C H E M I CA L : E T H OXY L AT E D I NG R E DI E NTS: CETEAR ETH / PEG COM POU N DS Function: Surfactant, emulsifying or cleansing agent, penetration enhancer. Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Health concerns: Animal studies show brain, nervous system and sense organ effects; irritant; reproductive and skin toxin, alters skin structure, allowing other chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin and increasing the amounts of other chemicals that reach the bloodstream; may contain harmful impurities. 7. C H E M I CA L : C OA L TA R Function: Controls itching and eczema, softens and promotes the dissolution of hard, scaly, rough skin, also used in hair dyes. Present in: Shampoo and Hair Dye. Banned by Canada and EU. Health concerns: Known human carcinogen; skin and respiratory toxicant. 8. C H E M I CA L : C O CA M I D E D E A / L AU R A M I D E D E A Function: used as foaming agents in shampoos and bath products, and as emulsifying agents in cosmetics; foaming and cleansing agents for †œmouth feel.† Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Health concerns: Human immune system toxicant; forms carcinogenic nitrosamine compounds if mixed with nitrosating agents; animal studies show sense organ effects and skin irritation; may contain harmful impurities. 9. C H E M I CA L : D I E T H A N O L A M I N E ( D E A ) Function: pH adjuster. Present in: Sunscreen, moisturizer, foundation, hair colour. Health concerns: Skin and immune system toxicant; possible carcinogen; irritant; animal studies show endocrine disruption and neuro developmental, brain and nervous system effects; may trigger asthma. 10. C H E M I CA L : E T H Y L AC E TAT E Function: Solvent. Present in: Nail polish products, mascara, tooth whitening, perfume. Health concerns: Probable neurotoxin; possible nervous system toxin; possible carcinogen; irritant; highly flammable 11. C H E M I CA L : F O R M A LD E H Y D E Function: Disinfectant, germicide, fungicide, preservative. Present in: Deodorant, nail polish, soap, shampoo, shaving cream. Restricted in Canada. Banned by EU. Health concerns: Immune system, respiratory, haematological, and skin toxicant; probable carcinogen and cardiovascular toxicant; can damage DNA; may trigger asthma; animal studies show sense organ, brain, and nervous system effects; possible human development toxicant. 12. C H E M I CA L : F O R M A LD E H Y D E - R E LE A S I N G P R E S E R VAT I V E S ( Q UAT E R N I U M - 1 5 , D M D M H Y DA N TO I N , D I A Z O LI D I N Y L U R E A A N D I M I DA Z O LI D I N Y L U R E A ) Function: Anti-microbial preservative. Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Health concerns: Same as Formaldehyde. May contain harmful impurities. 13. C H E M I CA L : F R AG R A N C E ( PA R F U M ) Function: Deodorant, masking, perfuming Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; possible neurotoxin; can contain between 10 and 300 different chemicals, many of which have never been tested for safety; see phthalates. Labelling can be confusing. If uncertain, check with manufacturer. 14. C H E M I CA L : H Y D R O Q U I N O N E Function: Antioxidant, fragrance ingredient, skin bleaching agent, hair colorant. Present in: Skin fading/lightener, facial moisturizer, anti-aging, sunscreen, hair colour, facial cleanser and moisturizer. Restricted in Canada. Health concerns: Immune system and respiratory toxicant; probable neurotoxin; possible carcinogen; irritant; animal studies show endocrine disruption. 15. C H E M I CA L : I O D O P R O PY N Y L B U T Y LCA R B A M AT E Function: Preservative. Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Restricted in Japan. Health concerns: Human toxicant; possible liver immune system toxin; 16. C H E M I CA L : LE A D a n d LE A D C O M P O U N D S Function: Colorant. Present in: Hair dye, hair products. Traces found in some red lipstick. Restricted in Canada. Health concerns: Probable carcinogen; developmental, respiratory, gastrointestinal and reproductive toxicant; reduced fertility; animal studies show metabolic, brain and nervous system effects; suspected nano-scale ingredients with potential to absorb into the skin 17. C H E M I CA L : M E T H Y LI S OT H I A Z O LI N O N E ( M I / M C I ) a n d M E T H YC H LO R O I S OT H I A Z O LI N O N E Function: Preservative. Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Restricted in Canada and Japan. Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; animal studies show restricted growth of the axons and dendrites of immature nerves, neurotoxicity and positive mutation results; can lead to a malfunction in the way neurons communicate with each other; especially detrimental to a developing nervous system. 18. C H E M I CA L : OXY B E N Z O N E ( B E N Z O P E N O N E - 3 ) Function: Sunscreen Agent; Ultraviolet Light Absorber; UV Absorber; UV Filter. Present in: Sunscreens. Health concerns: Associated with photo allergic reactions and immunotoxicity. Probable carcinogen and endocrine disruptor; Enhanced skin absorption and bio accumulates to dangerous levels; biochemical cellular changes. Developmental and reproductive toxicity. 19. C H E M I CA L : PA R A B E N S ( M E T H Y L , E T H Y L , P R O PY L A N D B U T Y L ) Function: Preservative and anti-bacterial agent. Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Health concerns: May alter hormone levels, possibly increasing risk for certain types of cancer, impaired fertility, or alteration of the development of a foetus or young child; studies have found parabens in breast tumours; probable skin toxicant; animal studies show brain and nervous system effects. 20. C H E M I CA L : P E T R O L AT U M Function: Forms barrier on skin; makes lipsticks shine and creams smoother; inexpensive skin softener. Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Banned by EU. Health concerns: May be contaminated with impurities, linked to cancer or other significant health problems. 21.C H E M I CA L : P H T H A L AT E S ( D I B U T Y L P H T H A L AT E S ) Function: Fragrance ingredient, plasticizer, solvent. Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Banned in EU. Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; developmental and reproductive toxin; respiratory toxicant; probable neurotoxin; possible carcinogen and endocrine disruptor; bio-accumulative in wildlife. 22. C H E M I CA L : P - P H E N Y LE N E D I A M I N E ( P P D ) Function: Hair colorant. Present in: Hair dye, shampoo, hair spray. Restricted in Canada. Health concerns: Immune system and respiratory toxicant; probable neurotoxin; eczema; possible nervous system, skin, kidney and liver toxicant; irritant; may trigger asthma and gastritis; shown to cause cancer in animal studies. allergenic. 23. C H E M I CA L : P R O PY LE N E G LYC O L Function: Solvent, penetration enhancer, conditions skin, controls viscosity and keeps products from melting in high or freezing when it is cold. Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Health concerns: Alters skin structure, allowing other chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin and increasing the amounts of other chemicals that reach the bloodstream; animal studies show reproductive effects, positive mutation results, brain and nervous system effects and endocrine disruption. 24. C H E M I CA L : S O D I U M L AU R E T H S U LFAT E / S O D I U M L AU RY L S U LFAT E Function: Cleansing and foaming agent - Surfactant, emulsifying agent, penetration enhancer. Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Health concerns: Alters skin structure, allowing other chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin, increasing the amounts of other chemicals that reach the bloodstream; Irritant; Hormone disruptor. May cause hair follicle, skin and eye damage. 25. C H E M I CA L : TA LC Function: Absorbs moisture, anti-caking agent, bulking agent. Present in: Blush, powder, eye shadow, baby powder, deodorant. Health concerns: Carcinogen; link between talcum powder and ovarian cancer; talc particles are similar to asbestos particles and data suggests that it can cause tumours in the lungs; probable respiratory toxin. 26. C H E M I CA L : TO LU E N E Function: Antioxidant, solvent to improve adhesion and gloss. Present in: Nail polish and hair dye. Health concerns: Liver toxin; probable developmental, nervous system and respiratory toxin; possible cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, renal and sense organ toxin; possible carcinogen and reproductive toxin; irritant; highly flammable. 27. C H E M I CA L : T R I C LO S A N Function: Anti-bacterial agent, deodorant, preservative, biocide. Reduces and controls bacterial contamination on the hands and on treated products. Present in: Antibacterial soaps, deodorants, toothpastes, mouthwashes, face wash and cleaning supplies. Restricted in Japan and Canada. Health concerns: Probable endocrine disrupter and carcinogen; easily bio-accumulates to dangerous levels; irritant; animal studies show reproductive and other broad systematic effects; potentially contaminated with impurities linked to cancer and other significant health problems. 28. C H E M I CA L : T R I E T H A N A LO M I N E ( T E A ) Function: Fragrance ingredient, pH adjuster, surfactant. Present in: Hand & body lotion, shaving creams, soap, shampoo, bath powders and moisturizer. Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; possible carcinogen; animal studies show endocrine disruption; may trigger asthma; forms carcinogenic nitrosamine compounds if mixed with nitrosating agents. 29. C H E M I CA L : 1 . 4 D I OX A N E Function: Penetration enhancer Present in: body lotion, moisturisers, sunless tanning products, baby soap, anti ageing products. Health concerns: EPA classifies it as a probable human carcinogen found in 46 of 100 personal care products marketed as organic or natural, and the . National Toxicology Program considers it a known animal carcinogen Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure to high levels of 1,4-dioxane has caused vertigo, drowsiness, headache, anorexia and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs in humans. It may also irritate the skin. Where to start I have compiled a 10 step list to help you make the transition from chemical laden personal care products to clean beauty. Read more
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