Oh my - Christmas is but a day away and summer holidays are nearly here. For most of us that means tools down, time for family and time for relaxation.
I hope you are in a good space and have avoided the full on commercialism of Christmas. I have little ones (5&7now!!!) and have made a special effort to distance them from GIFTS, GIFTS and more GIFTS. I hope to show them that creating and posting special cards for family and friends, putting up a 'found' Christmas tree, cooking festive treats, sharing a table, looking at Christmas lights, going for an early morning swim and listening and catching cicadas (!!) is a major part of festive fun and gift giving is the icing on top.
My kids are with NanNan now and we will wrap their gifts and pop them under the tree for when they arrive tomorrow....that in itself will be an amazing surprise.
How do you manage the festive period, do you make a conscious effort to take the focus away from gift giving?
Have a beautiful week & merry, merry Christmas.
Cindy x

mmm = monday morning mantra.
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Pinterest via Surf and Smile Big Tumblr