monday motivation - what was I thinking!
It's early, chilly and I am sitting at the pool typing this whilst my kids do swim lessons, then we are off to the pictures to kick off the school hols.
What ever made me think I was going to be so well organised at work on the last day of the financial year that made me think I could do these family activities! We have a clearance sale going on and stock needs counting - the back end of a business at this time of year is rather hectic to say the least.
So today's monday motivation post tickled my fancy - 'Come let's us have some tea and continue to talk about happy things'
Hope you have some time to enjoy what ever stage of life you are in - every day passes quickly so make the most of the little things. We are all truly privileged to be doing what we do.
Cindy x
image source: two add two - a simple life via Pinterest