Good morning, here is a little monday motivation to kick off your week.
Have you ever thought about the power held in the 2 little letters that makeup the word NO?
Early on in my first business (gosh that was back in the mid 90's!) I was introduced to them.
As women, as friends, as mothers, we tend to say YES. I don't know why. Perhaps we think we can do it all, afraid of disappointing.
Take on too much, take what is thrown at us because we can't say no. We can cope...that's what we do isn't it?
My best lesson in life was given to me by my investor, my mentor. He would continually tell me to say no. Why?
'Learn to say No to the good so you can say YES to the best.
Fabulous isn't it?
Have a great week and practice how delicious it is to say those 2 little letters. 'N' & 'O'.
Cindy x