It's good to have some go-to recipes, ones that you don't much thinking about as you know they will tick your healthy eating criteria boxes:
You know what I mean - this recipe for Avocado Lime Dressing is one of those. We simply take healthy everyday ingredients and turn simple into a little bit special: avocado is creamy and silky rich and limes are exotic (grown in warm tropical climate unlike winter lemons), together they make a magic combination and give green salad leaves a new look and taste.
Antioxidants such as
vitamin C and limonoids found in
limes as well as
vitamin E, carotenoids and zeaxanthan found in
avocado will work to boost your body's protection, fighting against damaging free radicals. This will help to reduce inflammation, sagging and wrinkles while keeping your complexion radiant and smooth. Vitamin C also boosts the production of collagen, keeping skin smooth and tight. Limonoids remain in the body for a longer period of time, maintaining protection for your body, hair and skin. Skin - healthy lipids help to revitalise your appearance, retaining moisture in your skin to keep it soft and silky. Potassium aids your kidney to flush toxins from your body while fibre helps to absorb essential nutrients leaving your body 'cleansed'.
1 perfectly ripe avocado
1 lime - juice and zest
garlic - just a little, crushed
fresh finely chopped herbs - 1 or more of mint, parsley, basil, chives, coriander
1 tspn dijon mustard
oil (olive, walnut, flaxseed) - just a dash to create the desired consistency & flavour
Mash the avocado in a bowl.
Add lime juice, zest, garlic, s&p, mustard - whisk in til avocado is smooth and creamy
Add herbs - as little or much as you desire. Eg 1 tblspn or 1/4 cup.
Adjust: add a touch of oil and whisk in. If too sour, add a dash of something sweet & or a bit more salt to balance the sweet, sour, salt ratio - the key to a good dressing.
- Serve avocado and lime dressing over green leaves, chopped herbs and shaved fennel.
- If you like give your salad a beauty boost with a sprinkle of plant protein rich nuts (eg toasted pinenuts or almonds) or seeds (pumpkin - zinc or chia seeds - omega 3's) For more ideas on creating a green salad repertoire - click here.

Make sure you have mandolin on hand to quickly whip up a green + white salad.

Don't toss your salad you are ready to serve.