Cow Milk
Constantly under attack by the diet community as fattening and cholesterol forming, the market is now saturated with refined low-fat and no-fat milk versions. But it’s the minimally processed, keep-it-real full-cream (still only 4.6% fat) that is naturally nutrient rich and contains a small amount of fat that is an important element in enabling digestion of milk proteins and fat-soluble vitamins. A good source of.. Calcium: Supports the new cell production and enhances the health and complexion of your skin by acting as a regulator of cell turnover which prevents the accumulation of dead cells. Also moisturising and hydrating, this nutrient will keep your skin looking soft and smooth. Vitamin B12: Encourages the formation of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the body and helps blood vessels to function proper. The oxygen transported through the red blood cells helps grow healthy and beautiful hair Vitamin D: Important for maintaining the immune system, which is key to preventing skin infection and diseases. Riboflavin: This enhances metabolism processes for the formation and division of skin cells to keep you looking youthful and radiant!Image Source: Pinterest via Creative Can
On the flip side, there are epidemiological studies that associate milk with inflammation, and 'food sensitivity’ problems are growing – unwanted reactions that can cause diverse issues including digestive problems, asthma, eczema, joint pain, headaches and fatigue.Soy Milk
This milk gets (undeservedly) bad press because of GM's, thyroid issues (with a small but vocal portion of the population) and discussion on how high levels of phytic acid are thought to reduce the assimilation of key minerals. I like to take a 'helicopter' view of soy that it should not be popped into the "don't eat" basket as it plays an important role in the diet of vegans and is native to Asia where it is consumed as part of the every day diet. Rich in plant sterols it's believed to be one of the reasons why (along with green tea) Asian skin does not show the signs of ageing. Relax and enjoy soy milk as a beneficial moderation & GM free of course. A good source of.. Calcium: It works with the skin to generate sebum that helps to maintain healthy moisture levels to keep it soft, smooth and hydrated. Protein: This serves a major structural role in tissues such as muscle and skin as well as being vital to cell division necessary for growth, reproduction and healing. It is the building block for strong and healthy nails, hair and skin in which it aids in wrinkle prevention by reducing sagging and making the skin appear tighter. Isoflavones: This is a class of very strong antioxidants known to have many beneficial effects on the skin. Anti-oxidative properties provide anti-inflammatory assistance to skin cells enhancing the appearance of the skin by preserving elasticity and producing collagen.
Almond milk
Almond milk has been gaining popularity in recent years not only due to it distinct and delicious nutty mild flavour but also because of its many health benefits. It shares the same excellent nutritional content as the highly nutrient dense almonds that it is made from. For the highest nutritional benefits you can very easily make your own from scratch. A good source of.. Vitamin E: These anti-oxidants help prevent cells from free radical damage by protecting collagen and elastin structures. This fights the first signs of skin aging such as wrinkles, age spots and sagging. It prevents the loss of moisture in the skin and promotes a soft and smooth complexion by keeping the skin fats healthy while also acting as a mild protective agent from UV sun damage. Omega-6+9 Fatty Acids: Overall this nutrient leads to smoother, younger-looking skin. Glyocides: These antioxidants work together to fight free-radical damage, one of the main causes of wrinkle damage to the skin.
Image: Pinterest via William Sonoma
Oat milk If you aren’t keen on nutty tasting milks, the mild and naturally sweet flavour of oat milk may be for you. Like almond milk, this milk contains all the nutrients of the nutritious food that it is derived from. A good source of.. Iron: Plays a major role in oxygen movement in the body. When the skin receives proper oxygen supplies regeneration and repair of skin cells can happen and create thick, strong and wrinkle free skin that is youthful and glowing. Manganese: This acts as an activator of many enzymes that enables the proper absorption and utilisation of antioxidants. One enzyme in particular it activates is called prolidase which increases the production of collagen which assists the body in healing wounds. Thyamin: Promotes cell regeneration and cell division to support the skin in repairing damaged cells, making the skin stronger and healthier in appearance and reducing signs of wrinkles. Fibre: The high fibre content (if you DIY) helps to regulate blood sugar levels and promote healthy bowel functions, which reduces toxins being present in the skin.
Coconut Milk
Made from the meat of the coconut this milk boasts a variety of nutrients as well as a creamy consistency and delicious taste. Whether you drink it or apply it topically, this milk will moisturise and nourish your body inside and out. A good source of.. Vitamin E: Internally moisturises by keeping the skin fats healthy while anti-oxidants help to protect collagen and elastin structures, which prevents skin ageing and maintains a healthy, soft and smooth complexion. Potassium: This balances fluids in the body, which allows maintenance of proper levels of moisture in the skin to keep it hydrated and smooth. It promotes cellular cleansing, particularly the elimination of wastes which allows for the regeneration of new cells and keeping the skin healthy, beautiful and radiant. Phosphorus: Maintains good oral health by working with calcium to boost the strength of teeth. + Antifungal: Coconut oil is made up of healthy fats lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid which contain antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral prosperities to boost the immune system.
Image Source: Pinterest via cookingalalamel
The best thing about all these milks being popular is you can mix them up. This way you'll be getting a fantastic assortment of vitamins and nutrients and an entire spectrum of amazing beauty benefits. So, grab yourself a glass and get drinking!