beautifood bite | spinach

beautifood bite | spinach

Spinach is one of the original †˜superfoods’. It is the easy, cheap and diverse way to include green leafy vegetables in your healthy (and wrinkle free) diet.

FOOD ACTIVES: Vitamin A, vitamin K (just one cup of boiled spinach contains more than 1000% of your daily vitamin K and 300% ), manganese, fibre, folate, magnesium and iron.

BEAUTY BOOST: Inside: They are a rich source of dietary fibre to flush out toxins and create clearer skin. Spinach is also considered one of top wrinkle fighting vegetables due to it’s high content of iron. Iron is important for firm, tight skin as it allows your skin to repair and regenerate properly . Outside: The high amount of vitamin A in spinach promotes healthy skin by allowing for proper moisture retention which helps to fight psoriasis, acne and dry skin.

COOK: Boil or steam spinach to accompany meats at dinner time or eggs on toast at breakfast. You can also it eat raw in salads.

TIP: Keep loosely packed in a plastic bag in the fridge for no longer than 5 days, or it’s ability to prevent wrinkles will diminish. Also opt for spinach that is vibrant green in colour for maximum benefits.

beautifood bite | spinach

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