- For a more liquid smoothie add more water or if you don't want the flavour diluted another high water content vegetable such as cucumber or a liquid such as coconut water, almond milk or dairy milk.
- For more dimension and an extra hit of Vit C (support collagen synthesis) add a squeeze of lemon juice.
- For a bite add a dash of tabasco sauce.
- Add some probiotics via an unsweetened yoghurt.
- If you want a lower sugar content - remove one or all of the fruits. I like it as is and because I don't eat much food with added sugar.
- You can sub in fresh pineapple for mango, parsley or spinach for kale etc.
- Chia seeds swell to 10times their size so they have a real thickening effect on the smoothie. For a more liquid smoothie - sprinkle on top instead of adding in.