matcha yoghurt and berry bowl clean eating luk beautifood

Three Ways with Green Tea

As a nutrient powerhouse, green tea is loaded with antioxidants to keep you looking and feeling gorgeous!
Green tea undergoes minimal oxidation processes when compared with other teas and coffees meaning it retains the majority of its nutrients and carries them through right into your cup. With so many brands on offer it is hard to know which to buy! Try a few and see what your personal taste prefers as some are more bitter or sweet than others. Our favourites are sencha or matcha green tea. Sencha tea is a gorgeous, fresh Japanese tea consisting of tea leaves used for brewing, while Matcha is a powdered form of Japanese green tea, used for flavouring in desserts, drinks or baked goods. Both are fantastic for rejuvenating and cleansing the body, soothing digestion and cleansing the palette. No matter which strain or type of green tea you use, without the proper technique it could end up tasting far too bitter and overpowering. Here are some simple tips to have you brewing the perfect cuppa:
  • Fill the teapot until almost full with hot water.
  • Add cold water to fill up the tea pot, and let sit for a minutes. This will bring the temperature down to around 80 degrees.
  • Scoop 1 teaspoon per person either into the infuser or teapot (an infuser will mean you won't have to strain the tea while pouring).
  • Infuse for 1 to 2 minutes (it may change depending on the type of tea you buy, check the packet for instructions).
  • When pouring, pour a small amount into each cup, continuing until it is full (this allows the richer section to be distributed evenly).
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Here our some of our favourite green tea recipes to cleanse and nourish your body from the inside out!
YOU'LL NEED 1 cup green tea, freshly brewed 1 tablespoon cup agave nectar (or honey depending on what you have on hand) ½ cup blueberries 4 cup fresh mint, chopped 1 cup ice cubes HOW TO 1. In a blender, add green tea, agave nectar, blueberries, half the mint and ½ cup ice cubes. Blend for 2 minutes or until smooth. 2. Pour into a cup and add remaining ice cubes. Stir in remaining mint and enjoy.
YOU'LL NEED 1 cup water 1 tablespoon sencha green tea 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon honey RECIPE 1. Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add ginger, cinnamon and lemon and reduce to a simmer for 4 minutes. Add green tea and simmer for a further minute. 2. Stir in honey and then strain into a gorgeous cup, serve warm.
YOU'LL NEED 1/2 cup natural yoghurt 1 tablespoon matcha powder 1/2 cup mixed berries 1/2 tablespoon chia seeds Optional: a small drizzle of honey HOW TO 1. In a small bowl add natural yoghurt. Sift matcha powder into bowl and stir until well combined. 2. Top with berries, chia seeds and honey.
iced blueberry green tea clean eating luk beautifood Gorgeous and Refreshing Iced Green Tea with Blueberries
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