Today in the natural beauty hot seat is the vivacious Erin Weeks from oh-so-colourful Instagram page The Green Pantry, and blog Sundrenched Organic Life. Erin is a certified health nut, fruit enthusiast, mama bear, wife, nurse and all-round lover of life and today this exuberant soul is chatting to us about what goes on in her beautifully sunny world and why she chose a holistic lifestyle centred around happiness and wellness.1. Tell us a bit about yourself. Describe a day in the life of you! I'm a registered nurse and I work in both the operating theatres and in recovery, three days a week. I love my job and I'm constantly learning and am always amazed by the human body. My work day always starts with a healthy breakfast with my two daughters, aged 8 and 10 before school/work and then after work it's a walk/jog with my husband and the girls before dinner. We then sit down together for dinner and that's my favourite part of the day (oh, the laughs). 2) What inspired you to start your beautiful Instagram page? Initially I started my Instagram as a private account to keep a photo record of my recipes so they were easier to find (by picture) and then friends would ask for my recipes so I made my page public so everyone could see. It was then I started to notice other people's interest and it all sort of grew from there. My blog was another thing that was requested by friends, it took me forever to start one and now it's a little neglected as I find myself so busy with other commitments to food related projects/collaborations.