motivation | planning the future

motivation | planning the future

motivation mmm = monday morning mantra
Oh yes! If you are new to luk beautifood you probably don't know that I have a gorgeous little pre-school girl and have been lucky enough to be home with her until she reaches school age. That's why my web page & shop is a bit spasmodic and posts either run later or um drop off the radar. My priority has been to be here for both my kids. BUT next year changes and my life will be a bit more focused and easier to manage: both kids will go to school, there will be the option of pre or post school care (omg - how luxurious) and my 5 days will be child free for 6 hours ....9.30 til 3.30pm!!!! Just image what I'll be able to do in 2.5 months when summer term 1 begins. That's why THE BEST IS YET TO COME rings true with me, what about you? Have a beauty-full week. Cindy x Screen Shot 2013-11-10 at 8.40.16 AM dividers R1-luk middle grey

Image source: Pinterest via Everything Lovely

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