monday motivational quote lukbeautifood lip nourish

monday motivation - pride and faith

Self belief - where does it come from? Why do some people have an abundance and others struggle to find it? Today's quote has a lot to do with it.
It is easier to have faith in the future and the direction you are taking if you feel good about what you are doing. I feel fortunate when I look back to my teenage years as I have known since then what I wanted to do in life. It was my parents who guided me in my career choice with thanks to my school (public) teachers. Going into senior school I had chosen to do art, home science (cooking/nutrition) and textiles and avoided the science and more challenging subjects. I was shown how chemistry was the foundation and building blocks of food, nutrition and textiles. I struggled with chemistry for 2 years but once I made it to University to study Food & Nutrition (applied Science degree) - I was in a good position as many class mates had not studied it at school. It was this pursuit of what I loved and being armed with the knowledge and determination that made me feel good and gave me confidence, the faith to go far, to dream big. It can take ages to find what you love and what comes naturally but when you do you will stop comparing yourself to others and take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go. What do you think? Have a beautiful week.

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