What does it mean to choose joy? I saw this simply gorgeous quote on @emmakateco’s Instagram page (as part of their #bloglovefest initiative which is all about integrating spirit + wellness-focused rituals) and it really resonated with me. Why? I think it’s so important we understand that we have a choice to be happy. To wake up each morning and spread bliss as the day unfolds. To scatter glitter everywhere by way of kind words, wholesome practices and soulful decisions. Sometimes this can be hard - oh believe me I get it! - but by choosing joy, we are reminded to adjust our mind sets to work in our favour, and not against us.All too often I see people becoming familiar with feelings of stress, sadness and disappointment, and we must remember these too are choices and it actually takes up more precious energy to remain negative than it does to harness positive vibes. Even if you have a 1000 things to do or you've had a major set back in your professional or personal life, it doesn’t take much brain power to realise it’s okay to be happy, life is good. Often things are happening just as they should, to teach us a valuable lesson, to help us grow, to strengthen our resilience and to reward us with a million blessings (even if they seem invisible!) so it's important to be mindful of the fact that the universe is simply sending back the energy we are giving out, and trust me when I say, it makes all the difference to ensure that energy is bursting with golden sunlight. Instead of hopping out of bed each morning with a sense of dread and doom or staring at the clock waiting to rush home from work, we need only tweak our perspective so as to feel connected to our joy, to our purpose. Once you can comprehend that you have a choice to feel happy, you'll no doubt feel that freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices but still be able to perceive them with a bit of a smile. It's empowering when you begin to embrace life, flaws and all, with a hearty laugh, and accept things for how they are and not what they should be. Even if you feel oh-so-stuck, you needn't fret; you're in the drivers seat! If you struggle to feel joy on the daily, try these three handy tips to bring about feel-good vibes to your life: 1. To really own the present in a graceful, wholehearted way I also like to get up slightly earlier than kids and hubby to give myself a moment to regather and recoup. I'll usually have a detoxifying lemon and ginger cup of tea or a Glow & Go Green Smoothie, go for a long walk or do a few elongated stretches. This small amount of 'me' time makes all the difference and makes me feel a whole heap more positive and ready to take on the day. 2. Be your own cheerleader by honouring your personal happiness through a positive perspective and a grateful heart.Write down three awesome things that happened today. You might have cooked something delicious that the family adored, you bumped into an old friend on the street or you watched a fabulous TV show that made you giggle. Either way, it pays to count your good fortunes so you can understand how wondrous life really is, even when it doesn't seem like much is happening. 3. If something particularly bad has occurred or you feel stressed and overwhelmed, try some breathing exercises to recentre yourself. Inhale deeply, closed mouth; exhale slowly through your nose. As you do this repeat the words 'all is well, I choose joy'. 4. Reward yourself. Sometimes work/life/family balance can get a bit hectic, and you forget to make time for joy. But let me tell you - there is always time to be happy! Make it a goal to give back to yourself here and there, or as often as possible. This might include beach walks, planning a holiday, getting a pedicure, reading a fabulous book, organising a day outdoors with hubby and kids, planting a herb garden etc. Try anything and everything that makes your soul come alive and your eyes light up with effervescent joy. I love to indulge my wanderlust and fill my life with deliciously healthy food - being in the kitchen and cooking up a storm always makes me smile! 5. Pat yourself on the back. Let your inner rock star take a bow. Change your inner dialogue E.g. †œYou did a downright WICKED job today. You ticked most of the things off your to do list, and kicked ass. Well done woman!†. Don't wait for someone else to tell you how AMAZING you are. 6. When something goes wrong, look at all the things that are going right in your life. Trust me, they exist. You'll be okay. Choose joy; make it your mantra every day, natural beauties. It's so worth it. How are you going to bring good vibes into your life this week? Tell me in the comments x