It relates a lot to 'epigenetics' which is the science of changing your genes, not just through nutritional and herbal medicine but also by how you think*.When you are run down or think negatively, there are higher stress hormones in the body which creates inflammation, oxidation and damages the cells, making them more prone to ageing. The mind has a big influence on the body. That's why it is SO important we redefine how we understand our bodies and processes. If your emotions are based on †˜false projections’ or fear-based beliefs, this can be quite harmful to longevity. Increasing your positive mental state and decreasing stress will slow down the rate of cellular ageing. Here are some quick tips on boosting your health and not simply relying on 'good genes' for vitality: 1. Meditation can increase awareness of present moment, which leads to positive mental states, so aim to integrate this into your lifestyle in some way. There are a few clever apps out there which can assist you if you're a beginner like The Mindfulness App. 2. Update your beliefs. These are far stronger than your genes and can adversely affect your biology, and play a huge role in your health. Your body believes every word you say so pay attention and notice your language about age and step out of any negative patterns or lifestyle habits. 3. Stop trash talking about age and stop blaming aches and pains on how old you are. Look within to see what's going on, and improve on this. By implementing lifestyle improvements, you can quite literally reverse the clock and grow biologically younger. For example, sitting down at a desk all day is the fastest way to age your body. Set a timer and stand up at least once an hour and move around for 15 minutes before sitting back down. Aim to eat nourishing, wholesome, organic produce and apply nutrient-rich, natural beauty products that are good for the skin and won't lead to its premature degeneration. 4. You are unique, there's no need to live small. It’s important to acknowledge and embrace the special qualities that make you the person that you are. Take more responsibility for your own body and allow yourself to feel fulfilled in your life. Take a look to see whether you are meeting your full potential.
Live your life and forget your age natural beauties!*Reference Do you swear by this mantra too? Tell me in the comments x