Cleanse sneak peek...
January has nearly come and gone, and what a month it’s been.
Your kids have been on holiday, crazy HOT weather has frizzled the country (& our brains), now rain is ruining everything in its path and somewhere in the middle you've juggled work & play.
For me January is not about new year resolutions and trying to change old habits, telling yourself I won't eat this and will do more of that or make BIG (unachievable) plans for the year and feeling a failure for not getting there.
It is about enjoying and making the most of being with your family, soaking up the festivities & activities, thinking, doodling and chilling and if you work (not at home) being in a more relaxed atmosphere because the email & call flow has eased.
With this in mind, and the kids back at school this week, I thought I'd give you just a little bit of an idea of what's cooking (or juicing!) next month.
February will focus on YOU. It's about getting healthy and looking and feeling good about yourself in 28 days. We are going to gently: