Also known as pepitas they are the unsung beauty hero in the world of nuts and seeds. And not only are they great for you inside and out but are also a great source of protein making them perfect snacks to keep you full, or as an addition to any meal. Who could ask for more from such a tasty little seed?
FOOD ACTIVES: Energy producing iron, immune supporting zinc & copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E & B, essential fatty acids – omega 6, phytosterols, 30% protein, 50% mono unsaturated fats.
BEAUTY BOOST: Vitamin E a powerful antioxidant will keep your skin glowing, promote regeneration of skin cells by helping skin repair itself quickly. Zinc helps balance oil production in the skin, regenerates cells and fight off bacteria that may lead to acne. Pumpkin seeds are high in essential fatty acids, necessary for skin to effectively retain good moisture levels to keep your skin plump and gorgeous!
COOK: Add pumpkin seeds to sautéed vegetables or sprinkle on top of mixed green salads, mix with olive oil and lemon juice for a tasty salad dressing. Or add chopped pumpkin seeds to your favourite hot or cold cereal.
TIP: Eating pumpkin seeds will promote production of serotonin in your body to give you a natural mood boost and help to give you a good night’s sleep.