Are you a repeat offender when it comes to claiming you’re going to get your health and happiness in order? Do you want a quicker, more efficient way to boost your wellness levels and achieve a healthy glow inside and out? You’re in good company.In an ideal world, we’d be health and fitness gurus, business super stars and super mums and still have time to partake in loads of self-care and pampering on a daily basis (though it’s fair to say, it’s the imperfections that make us prefect!). Reality is that with a full days and busy schedules, it can be easier to relax on the couch, or catch up on sleep, in our down time than adhere to time-consuming health and beauty routines. It’s true – sometimes, life gets busy. If you’re trying to keep all the juggling balls in the air without taking good care of yourself as well, this can take a serious toll on your health and wellbeing. When we let prioritising ourselves slip, it not only affects how we look on the outside, but it can affect our state of mind and overall level of wellbeing. Thankfully, we have 5 simple health boosts to help you glow on the outside, reclaim your sanity and get you back your zest for life – all in no time . Follow these 5 simple health boosts for an unstoppable, illusive glow that goes well beyond your complexion.
2. Snooze early (where possible) We’ve all heard it all before, but it's called beauty sleep for a reason. Even if you feel time poor, sneak in a nap where possible. Sleep deprivation lowers circulation, which is why you can look washed out if you only get a few hours of sleep. It’s the best time to rejuvenate your skin as your body's cellular renewal team has the night shift, so this is when you want to equip your skin with as many nutrients and hydrating ingredients it needs to do a good job. Plus, studies show that those who sleep more live longer, so really, it’s a no-brainer. 3. Give your skin a sip of red Who can say no to a glass of red? Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant and polyphenol found in red grape skins, has been found to prevent the lines, wrinkles, and sagging caused by environmental aggressors like pollution and second-hand smoke. It can be even more powerful than Vitamin C. Whether you use a (natural) Resvertatrol-infused serum each night, or sip on a glass of vino a few times a week, just know that it’s working wonders on plumping up lines and smoothing skin texture – so sip away!