Emmily Banks

Q&A with natural makeup artist Emmily Banks

 From the archive: 2017 

Emmily Banks is the founder of Depths of Beauty, Australia's leading natural beauty academy. A professional makeup artist, Emmily runs online classes showing women how to create a range of looks using only clean beauty products. Lük Beautifood is one of the brands in her repertoire. "Lip Nourish™ is really beautiful," says Emily. "Creamy texture, nourishing ingredients and gorgeous packaging!"

How did you become a natural makeup artist?

I started out as a mainstream makeup artist for several years before transitioning to all-natural and organic beauty. I have always had a passion for health and wellness, so it just made sense to start practicing with products I feel passionate about. There are so many beautiful natural, vegan, organic and cruelty free beauty and skincare products available these days! I am SO excited to be able to share my findings and encourage people to support healthier brands for their wellbeing. I guess the real turning point was when I was still a mainstream makeup artist and began receiving toxic beauty products to trial, review and promote. I just didn’t feel passionate or comfortable doing it. That’s when I knew I had to change direction and go all natural!

What is one beauty product you never leave the house without?

Lipstick and lip balm - usually tinted as I have quite pale lips and they’re often a bit dry. It’s the one item I will always put in my beach bag, purse or pocket!

What are your tips for healthy, radiant skin?

It's all about exercise to maintain healthy blood flow, as well as diet and lifestyle. Be sure to keep hydrated and drink plenty of fluids, especially green juice and kombucha - they’re full of minerals and antioxidants that keep skin glowing.

Why do you think toxin-free beauty is the way to go?

1. Body & Mind Health. Between 60-90 per cent of the ingredients in products we put onto our skin are absorbed straight through into our blood stream. Absorbing toxic ingredients leads to a multitude of health issues, from hormone disruption to skin irritations and even cancer and neurotoxicity.

2. The Planet's Health. Our environment is so precious and we need to do the best we can to look after our ecosystem. Using natural beauty lessens the demand for production of toxic chemicals that harm our environment and end up in our sewers and landfills. Toxin-free brands usually have a higher regard for the planet and often use recyclable packaging too.

3. Animal Welfare. Disturbingly, almost all mainstream brands still test on animals and use their fur for brushes. It’s horrific how they are treated and we need to be aware that we vote with our wallets. We need to stop spending on brands that test on animals and start supporting brands who don’t!

Who do you look to for inspiration?

Everyone and everything! I am inspired by anyone who is driven, passionate, kind and is making a difference in this world for the better. These people are my friends, family, colleagues and clients. I'm also highly inspired by successful, thriving entrepreneurs in the health and wellness sector – game changers who are living by their own rules and making a positive impact in other people’s lives.

What do you think makes a woman a natural beauty?

First and foremost, a kind and happy spirit – I believe people radiate beauty with a big open heart! Secondly, a radiant, natural glow that comes from living and eating well. Flawless skin, bright white teeth and clear eyes are all a sign of a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Describe a day in the life of you

My days vary – a lot! As a freelancer, I often work from home in my studio/office on my website, testing, trialling and reviewing natural beauty products and keeping on top of emails to clients, brands and online stores. Makeup artistry also takes me all over Sydney for editorial photo shoots and events, from studios in Alexandria to location shoots in the Northern Beaches. I spend a decent amount of time filming how-to videos and reviews for my YouTube channel. I always find time in my day for exercise and a swim in the ocean.

Describe a day on your plate

My morning ritual involves a run along the beach as soon as I rise, then I stop by my local organic store for a coconut or almond milk piccolo and a cold-pressed green juice on my way home. I fairly religiously have lunch at home - organic poached eggs, half an avo with garlic mushrooms and spinach. Yum! I usually snack on nuts, popcorn and dips (hummus, baba ghanoush, avo) in the afternoon, then dinner is plenty of vege and occasionally fish and meat. I love cooking green soups, curries, spinach pie with sweet potato chips and anything with broth. I also drink all day long - tea, water, juices and kombucha. A cup of hot water with apple cider vinegar, coconut oil and a dash of turmeric always goes down well. I’m lucky not to have a sweet tooth - lots of bitter flavours or salt for me please!

What is your mantra when it comes to feeling happy and successful?

You can either think you can, or think you can’t - either way, you are right! I’ve always believed this. I try to remember it's all in my head, so I may as well think everything is awesome, right? 

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