A message from Cindy on International Women's Day

A message from Cindy on International Women's Day

Hi natural beauties, Happy International Women's Day! This day of recognition gives us an opportunity to look at just how far we've come. Although we believe women should be recognised and celebrated every single day and share their journey. As we come into this new decade, there are a number of challenges that I am facing in both my professional and personal life. I recently opened up about it and I would love to share it with you. Just click here to watch the video. 1) You never know the story of the person standing next to you. As women, we need to be less judgemental and be more supportive & understanding. We grow by lifting others, not by putting them down. 2) No one can control the future (i.e. what you are dished up!). So, don't let it stop you being you and doing what you love. 3) What drives YOU? In my case, creating a family home and life that is like we had always envisaged. Making memories with my loved ones. As you can see from my short video, I am working hard to care for those close to me and to be a role model to our children and teach them resiliency, even in the face of adversity. 4) Enjoy life! Take the time to prioritise your health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Whether that's a glass of wine on a Friday night, a walk along the coast, settling in with a good book or even saying no to plans, it's important to put your self care first. You can't pour from an empty glass.
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